Too often governments have created problems and/or aggravated existing conditions.
Do you know or have you ever known anyone who has left our state? Are you thinking of leaving California to pursue the American dream elsewhere? Do Sacramento's decision-makers fill you with confidence, inspire hope, and make you glad to live under a government dominated by a political philosophy that seeks so much control over personal decisions?
The essence of the problem is three-fold...
1. Government is too big.
2. It takes too much money out of our pockets.
3. Too often it acts outside its constitutional authority.

California is only one of 10 states with full-time legislatures. The next two populous states, Texas and Florida, have only part-time legislators. We Californians do not need full-time politicians and unelected bureaucrats and administrators to tell us how to live our lives, define our families, educate our children, take care of our health, and run our businesses.
Putting the genie back in the bottle will not be easy but it must be done. Bringing Agenda 47 principles and discipline to District 38 can turn dreams into destiny. There are solutions.
California Faces a $68 Billion Deficit. Largely as a result of a severe revenue decline in 2022‑23, the state faces a serious budget deficit. Specifically, under the state’s current law and policy, we estimate the Legislature will need to solve a budget problem of $68 billion in the upcoming budget process.
California entered a downturn last year.
Unprecedented Prior-Year Revenue Shortfall Creates Unique Challenges.
Legislature Will Have Fewer Options to Address Multiyear Deficits in the Coming Years.
Over 15% of California's workforce is employed in government jobs. Payroll taxes for these employees exceed $4 billion dollars. These employees pay their taxes using taxpayer-funded paychecks. So, we pay OUR taxes, THEIR wages, AND their taxes!

Putting the genie back in the bottle will not be easy but it must be done. Bringing Agenda 47 principles and discipline to District 38 can turn dreams into destiny. There are solutions.
Have you noticed during an election season that...
road work springs up everywhere but potholes greet us the rest of the time?
mailboxes, email, and phone messages explode with ads asking for money?
elected officials hold forums appealing to groups of voters but are otherwise absent?
elected officials mail "helpful resources and information" brochures using taxpayer funds that look suspiciously like campaign materials?
There are 39 million unique men and women living in California who buy food, drive cars, get gasoline, purchase homes, go to beaches, hike mountains, have families, seek jobs, learn trades and get educations. And 66% attend religious services split about 50/50 between weekly attendance and some attendance throughout the year! It is short-sighted at best and arrogant at worst for elected officials to believe they can legislate adequately for a multitude of individuals with countless combinations of private, personal choices.
Governments should have little to no say-so over our personal lives, family choices, and private business operations. Our unique republican government systems, when properly used, should make it possible for millions of men and women with different beliefs, backgrounds, cultures, and talents to pursue our chosen paths for prosperity as we pursue happiness and fulfillment.
It is not government’s role to…
Control the world’s wealth and resources.
Dominate personal life choices.
Operate our businesses.
Regulate our families.
Educate our children.
Manage our health.

It is government’s role to…
Oversee public projects for shared services, safety, and infrastructure.
Encourage public communities to work together, benefiting individuals.
Remove public obstacles that stop private businesses from thriving.
Support public programs that teach the content of our Constitution.
Provide public incentives for the creation of family units.
Offer public messaging for healthy lifestyles.
Government's number one job is to protect our God-given inalienable rights from being trampled by government interference in our lives. Government does have a responsibility to incentivize the public and provide for a social safety net for the men and women who otherwise would fall through the cracks. But, once again, government's emphasis should be on connecting people in the area with local groups who want to help and who are closer to the people with problems who need a helping hand.
Human beings loathe making changes. It is uncomfortable, it can be destabilizing - and sometimes frightening - to revise our thinking and modify our behaviors. Most men and women want to be left alone. Most couples want to live happy lives, loving their partners. We want our children to grow up strong, capable, kind, and compassionate. We want them to live honorable lives, meet their obligations, and take responsibility for their choices. We want for them what we want for ourselves.
Putting the genie back in the bottle will not be easy but it must be done. Bringing Agenda 47 principles and discipline to District 38 can turn dreams into destiny.
There are solutions.